DIY Straw Bale Gardening-An Easy Way To Grow Plant

Poor soil? Consider straw bale gardening!

Straw Bale Gardening is a simply different type of container gardening. These straw bales (not hay bales) are a great place to plant vegetables. The straw is an easy, loose place for the plants to spread out their roots. Once the straw inside the bale begins to decompose, the straw becomes “conditioned” and ready to plant. The step by step process of conditioning creates an extraordinarily productive, warm, moist and nutrient rich rooting environment for young seedlings.

DIY Straw Bale Gardening-An Easy Way To Grow Plant

As you can see, this type of gardening is particularly beneficial if you have poor soil. As long as you get sunlight and moisture, this will work for you. You don’t require any special tools, you don’t need to water as often, you don’t have to break your back turning over the soil. When you’re done for the year, the leftover straw can go into the compost. Click below link for instruction

How to Build a Straw Bale Garden

Below video will show you exactly how to condition your straw bales, so that you can grow your own vegetables using this way.

DIY Straw Bale Gardening-An Easy Way To Grow Plant

Photo via nytimes

DIY Straw Bale Gardening-An Easy Way To Grow Plant

Photo via mercurynews