34 Pictures To See Which Muscle You Are Stretching

27. Lateral Flexion with a Dowel

Targeted Muscles –External Obliques and Latissimus Dorsi.

Lateral flexion is the anatomical term for the movement of bending sideways at the waist. Standing straight, keeping your spine long slowly push your hips out the the side until you feel a deep stretch up the side of the body. Avoid this stretch if you have lower back problems.

34 Pictures To See Which Muscle You Are Stretching

28. Triangle Pose

Targeted Muscles –External Obliques.

Start with a wide stance with your front foot straight ahead, Stretch your arms to your sides. Turn your left foot in slightly to the right and your right foot out to the right 90 degrees. Place your hand on your front leg or floor as you reach your edge with a straight back. As you rotate away from your front leg keep your gaze on the hand that is in the air. Keep your legs straight. Raise your left hand.

29. Chest Stretch at the Wall

Targeted Muscles –Pectorals.

A standing chest stretch is a great option, you can easily perform this one at home or at a gym. Start by facing the wall, place the forearm of your right hand flat against a wall with your thumb up. Step away from the wall and rotate your body to the left, away from the wall. You should feel a nice stretch across your chest, shoulders, and arm. Stretch the other side.

34 Pictures To See Which Muscle You Are Stretching

30. Assisted Chest Stretch

Targeted Muscles –Chest and Latissimus Dorsi.

Start by lying on the floor with your palms facing up. As you partner sits into a deep squat you should feel a stretch in your chest and lats.  You will also get some traction in your spine from the stretch. Avoid this stretch if you have impingement of the shoulder.

31. Seated Half Pigeon Variation

Targeted Muscles –Anterior Tibialis.

Begin sitting with your feet in front of you. Bring one hand behind you as you externally rotate your hip and bring one foot above your knee. To increase the stretch on your hip slowly lean forward, initiating the movement by hinging at the hips. Take 8-10 breaths then switch sides.

34 Pictures To See Which Muscle You Are Stretching

32. Supine Shoulder External Rotation Stretch

Targeted Muscles –Subscapularis.

Start by lying flat on your back, bring your arm straight out to the side with your elbow at a 90 degree angle. Slowly bring the back of your hand to the floor. If you hand is far away from floor it means your rotator cuff and other muscles that control internal rotation are tight.

33. Down Dog Variation at the Wall

Targeted Muscles –Pectorals and Latissimus Dorsi.

To begin, stand facing a wall. Position yourself far enough from a wall or rack so that when you touch the wall your body becomes parallel to the ground.  Move into this position by hinging at the hips and keeping your spine straight.  Once in position, push your chest forward creating a slight arch in your upper back, stretching your lats and chest muscles. If you have tight hamstrings try bending at the knees.

34 Pictures To See Which Muscle You Are Stretching

34. Assisted Chest Stretch Variation

Targeted Muscles –Pectorals.

Start by lying face down on the floor with your palms facing down. As your partner pulls back on your hands you will feel a deep stretch in your chest muscles. Avoid this stretch if you have impingement of the shoulder.