It’s pretty tough to enjoy summer activities in a backyard that bakes in the afternoon heat. We all need a way to get out of the sun, but still be able to spend fun time outdoors relaxing in a shady spot. There are many ways to bring shade to an outdoor space, such as using awnings, canopies, umbrellas, sailcloths to cover your outdoor living space without spending a lot of money. Here we have rounded 10 Creative DIY Outdoor Shady Space Ideas for shady backyard oasis to help turn your space into a retreat!
Most of these projects are simple enough for the average homeowner to complete easily and quickly. Often you can complete it within a single weekend. You can build a new freestanding structure or enhance an existing patio or pergola through the addition of a shade screen. I particularly love the globe lights woven through the shades. Check out all the ideas below to see a selection of yard improvements that will have you made in the shade. Get started with your favorite design to have a unique and creative shade structure for this summer and years to come.
DIY cloth fabric shade cover
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