DIY Camp Loft Bed with Stair

Are you looking for a bed to maximize available floor space in children’s bedrooms? Loft bed is one of the best solutions to get the most out of available space in a small bedroom. But after you shopped around for some time, you realized that it is hard to find a good one to fit the space. If that’s you, here’s the excellent pattern of how to build a bunk bed with only top bed is what you are looking for. Not only does it look attractive in the room, it also offer a comfortable rest area and lots of play or work space for your kids.

The loft bed is designed for kids to make a place to play. It utilizes the open space underneath to create a comfortable home playground. It is not very difficult to build and doesn’t require complicated carpentry skills. With this detailed plan, you’ll be able to build this nice and comfortable loft bed and transform an ordinary bedroom into an area with lots of fun and excitement.

DIY Camp Loft Bed with Stair

Click below link for instructions….

Camp Bed with Stair