DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll

Here is a great way to transform your drinking straws and toilet paper rolls into cute pencil holders.

DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll

What you will need:

  • Empty toilet paper roll
  • Drinking straws
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Pen
  • Ruler
  • Cardboard

How to do

  1. Take a large toilet paper Rolland glue a cardboard at its base and let dry.
  2. Trying to form squares cut the drinking straws
  3. Apply glue on the toilet paper roll and place the twisted straws to cover the roll. Keep on going until you’ve covered the entire roll.
  4. Wait till everything is dry, place the pencil holder on your and put your pencils in it.

DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll DIY Pencil Holder from Drinking Straws and Toilet Paper Roll