DIY Plastic Barrel Derby Car

Do you have kids who love cars and want to enter a soap box derby competition or just love being active outdoors? What’s great about this soap box derby is that you can create one entirely out of used parts and materials. If you happen to have a 55 gallon drum just laying around unused, they’re a perfect material to DIY Plastic Barrel Derby Car for kids.

You can never go wrong with this DIY project, especially if you customize it even more with a design that they will love!  You can even add accessories like headlights from junk shops or old cars.  Make them happy by making a soap box derby cart with plastic drum barrels!

DIY Plastic Barrel Derby Car

Read on to learn how to make this plastic barrel soap box derby. Click below link for tutorial…

DIY Plastic Barrel Derby Car 

DIY Plastic Barrel Train

How to Make a Trailer From Plastic Barrels

Note: Just make sure that all your hardware are new and in good condition. Be safe and have fun.